Thursday, November 11, 2010

Toast Of The Resume Industry Awards

For a resume writer, the big prize is a Toast Of The Resume Industry—TORI—Award. It's a global competition, and resume writers from all over the world submit their best work for review and judging by a jury of their peers. Only nine First Place/Best-In-Class TORI Awards were conferred this year, in October, and I won one..!

Career Directors International hosts the TORI competition, which is recognized as the resume writing industry’s most prestigious and difficult contest.

In a recent press release, the President of CDI, Laura DeCarlo, stated “Winning a TORI Award represents the pinnacle of resume writing expertise within the industry. Being recognized as ‘one of the best’ by your peers is an accolade that very few get to savor. We are proud of the achievements in the resume writing and careers industry, because it encourages our members to strive for excellence.” 

Professional resume writers submitted entries for the TORI Awards in June, and a panel of the industry’s top writers judged the submissions. Up to seven entries were nominated in each category, and CDI officers made the final ruling. Winners were announced on October 16th in San Diego during CDI’s 10th annual convention.

CDI administers continuing education, testing, and certification to professional résumé writers and career coaches, raising the bar and setting new standards for career professionals worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to you!
    You must be a really good in crafting the winning resume. Great job!

    resume writer toronto
