Monday, June 9, 2014

The High Cost of a Resume That's Not Getting You Interviews

Consider this: If your resume isn't *working* for you, you have to ask yourself what the cost of that is to you. 

If you'd make $500 a week at a job, a three month loss of income
 represents $6000 loss to you. 

If $500 spent on a new resume, this week, gets you interviews and a new job within a week or two -- you could GAIN most of that $6000 instead of losing it!

A well-crafted resume should get you interviews for at least 50% of the job you're applying for. Is your resume getting you interviews? 

If not, I can help. I'm an award-winning resume writer who has been writing powerful, interview-getting resumes for more than 20 years. 

Email your current resume to me 
for a free consultation to help you get on track.
 The process is easier than you may think!
(315) 676-3315