Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Do you know about the 80/20 thing in job hunting?

Eighty (80) percent of all jobs that are available, are not posted.

They’re not posted on line, or on job boards, or in the newspaper. They’re never listed anywhere, and do you know why? It’s because the employer doesn’t have to post them because people basically just show up and ask for them! 

That’s called ‘proactive job seeking’ – you go to the employer to ask for a job. You show up with a great resume and a big smile on your face and let them know that: (A) You’re interested in pursuing employment opportunities at their company and (B) You have great qualifications for working there and that you can bring value to their company!

You already know you’ve got great qualifications – do you also have a great resume? If not, I can help! Because you know what? That new job is waiting for you to show up and claim it!

Is your resume great? Is it getting you interviews for at least 50% of the job you're applying for? It should be, and if not, I can help. I've been writing powerful, interview-getting resumes for more than 20 years. Email your current resume to me for a free consultation to help you get on track -- it's easier than you may think!  •

1 comment:

  1. Job-hunting tips: Spread the word, network, be patient and persistent, posted Tuesday, and Prepare for your next job hunt while you’re still working, from Wednesday, are both packed with great advice.
